Class Hashtag: #Comm597
- Introduction to Twitter
- Twitter basics
- Using Twitter to establish a dialogue
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module, students should be able to:
- Identify and describe key microblogging (e.g. Twitter) features and functions; and
- Create effective written content that is appropriate for Twitter.
Required Readings
- Library eReading:
Masullo Chen, G. (2011). Tweet this: A uses and gratifications perspective on how active Twitter use gratifies a need to connect with others. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 755–762. doi:
- Weblink:
Commoncraft. (n.d). Twitter in plain english [Video file]. Available from
Weeks 1–3
Module 1:
Mining Big Data and Context Setting (Twitter) |
Sep 01: Join Twitter and follow instructors
Note that instructor handles are listed on cover page of the syllabus.
Sep 01: Introductory webinar from 6:00–6:30pm
A time to meet your course instructors and fellow students, review the course syllabus, and discuss course participation milestones.
Sep 04: Introductory Tweet (web participation) due by 11:55pm.
Post an Introductory Tweet with class hashtag #COMM597. Include information about who you are, why you are taking this class, etc.
Sep 18: Module 1 Reading Reflections (web participation) due by 11:55pm
Add a comment on our Module 1 posting—introduce yourself and share with us your thoughts on this Module's readings/video.
Sep 18: #SM on Twitter activity, due by 11:55pm.
Search #SM on Twitter, and peruse the 10-20 most recent tweets. Then, discuss what your search reveals in a comment on the class blog the #Hashtag Activity post, outlining the following :