Monday, 31 August 2015

Module 1: Mining Big Data and Context Setting (Twitter)

Class Hashtag: #Comm597


  • Introduction to Twitter
  • Twitter basics
  • Using Twitter to establish a dialogue

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Identify and describe key microblogging (e.g. Twitter) features and functions; and
  • Create effective written content that is appropriate for Twitter.

Required Readings

  1. Library eReading:
Masullo Chen, G. (2011). Tweet this: A uses and gratifications perspective on how active Twitter use gratifies a need to connect with others. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 755–762. doi:
  1. Weblink:

Commoncraft. (n.d). Twitter in plain english [Video file]. Available from

Weeks 1–3
Module 1:
Mining Big Data and Context Setting (Twitter)
Sep 01: Join Twitter and follow instructors
Note that instructor handles are listed on cover page of the syllabus.
Sep 01: Introductory webinar from 6:00–6:30pm
A time to meet your course instructors and fellow students, review the course syllabus, and discuss course participation milestones.
Sep 04: Introductory Tweet (web participation) due by 11:55pm.
Post an Introductory Tweet with class hashtag #COMM597. Include information about who you are, why you are taking this class, etc.
Sep 18: Module 1 Reading Reflections (web participation) due by 11:55pm
Add a comment on our Module 1 posting—introduce yourself and share with us your thoughts on this Module's readings/video.
Sep 18: #SM on Twitter activity, due by 11:55pm.
Search #SM on Twitter, and peruse the 10-20 most recent tweets. Then, discuss what your search reveals in a comment on the class blog the #Hashtag Activity post, outlining the following :
  • What do you notice? Is there anything surprising
  • Who is tweeting?
  • Are there any recurring topics?
  • Are there citations/links to other sources?
  • Do many tweets include (links to) images or videos?.

Welcome to Effective Social Media Communication for MACT


COMM 597 — Effective Social Media Communication

Master of Arts in Communications and Technology (MACT)
Faculty of Extension | University of Alberta

Course Dates: September 01, 2015 – December 07, 2015

November  16, 2015: 6:00pm–8:30pm
Location: Online

Course instructor(s)  and contact information:
Dr. Jessica Laccetti
Twitter: @JessL
Emails will be responded to within 36 hours.

Maria de Bruijin, MA
Twitter: @mariadebruijn
Emails will be responded to within 36 hours.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Create a Twitter and a Facebook Account


Create a Twitter and Facebook Account.

In preparation for this course, please be sure to have a Twitter and a Facebook account ready for use in this class. Both of these key social media platforms will be used heavily throughout this course and will help you create and craft your online presence.

• Note: For Facebook and Twitter, if you already have a personal profile, that is great, but rest
assured the instructors value your privacy and will not attempt to friend or follow you at your
personal account (other than by the use of hashtags). Rather, having a Facebook and Twitter
account will enable you to participate in several communications activities. You are free to create
a new account/page for the purposes of the course that is separate from your personal and
delete them once assignments have been marked and the course is completed. If you have any
questions, please contact the instructor in advance of the course start date: Jessica Laccetti,